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Daniel J. Kadlec Masters of the Universe: Winning Strategies of America's Greatest Dealmakers
Meet the men and minds that have ignited the greatest decade of deal making in the history of business In the 1980s Tom Wolfe coined the term "masters of the universe" for hard-charging Wall Streeters. In the...
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Richard H. Beatty, Richard H. Beatty How to Write a Resume if You Didn't Go to College
NOW YOU DON?T HAVE TO BE A COLLEGE GRADUATE TO GET A GREAT JOB! Fierce competition for jobs makes a quality resume more important than ever if you want to set yourself apart from the pack. But what if you didn?t go to college? In...
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Entrepreneur Press How to Start a Business in Maryland (How to Start a Business in Maryland (Etrm))
This series covers the federal, state, and local regulations imposed on small businesses, with concise, friendly and up-to-the-minute advice on each critical step of starting your own business....
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Erik Berglof, Andrei Kunov, Julia Shvets, Ksenia Yudaeva, Tsentr Ekonomicheskikh I Finansovykh Issledovanii I Razrabotok The New Political Economy of Russia
Can Russia's recent burst of economic growth be sustained? Taking a comprehensive look at the economic and political regime shift from Yeltsin to Putin, this book explores the key challenges facing the Russian economy: to narrow the productivity gap...
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Virginia A. Hodgkinson, Michael W. Foley The Civil Society Reader (Civil Society : Historical and Contemporary Perspectives)
A civil society anthology for experts and students alike....
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Валентин Распутин. Уроки французского (аудиокнига MP3)