Е. Карганова


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Михаил Голденков

Современный деловой и разговорный английский

Остроумное изложение, образные примеры, легкость подачи оригинального материала, отображение современного состояния разговорного языка и деловой переписки делают издание совершенно необходимым всем, кто активно соприкасается с английской языковой...

Gary Maydew, Gary L. Maydew

Small Business Taxation: Planning and Practice

Small Business Taxation (Third Edition) provides updated explanation and analysis of the tax law affecting small businesses. It covers all of the different types of business entities in which small businesses operate. All aspects of small business...

Per-Olov Johansson

Evaluating Health Risks: An Economic Approach

A major problem in health economics is how to give a value to changes in health. This is the first book to present a comprehensive survey of the money measures that are used in such evaluations. The author defines the properties of these money...

George S. Tavlas

The Collapse of Exchange Rate Regimes: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses (Open Economies Review , No 7:1)

The Collapse of Exchange Rate Regimes: Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses is an international treatment of the antecedents and repercussions of speculative attacks and currency crises. It provides both a broad overview of the subject as well...

<<<  Т. А. Вершинина. Беспозвоночные в аквариуме             Бернд Деген. Дискусы. Полный атлас >>>

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