The Psychology of Economic Decisions: Rationality and Well-Being (The Psychology of Economic Decisions, Volume 1)

Book DescriptionA collection of carefully selected contributions to behavioral economics from some of the leading international scholars in the field. Designed to fully complement Volume One, topics covered include preferences, behavioral game...

The Nia Guide for Black Women: Balancing Work and Life

Book Description From , the web's leading community site for black women: a frank and personal guide to handling the complexities, conflicts, and challenges of being a successful black working woman today, from balancing work...

Cultural Landscapes and Land Use : The Nature Conservation-Society Interface

Book DescriptionCultural landscapes are created by people, and used by people, but still decidedly rich in biodiversity, and in harmony with nature. The landscapes of fairy tales, without dragons. Socio-economic complexity on top of biological...

Gregory Curtis

Creative Capital : Managing Private Wealth in a Complex World

Book DescriptionBuilding great wealth is enormously difficult. But maintaining that wealth across the generations is an even greater challenge. In Creative Capital: Managing Private Wealth in a Complex World , Gregory Curtis outlines the...

Anthony L. Politano

Chief Performance Officer: Measuring What Matters, Managing What Can Be Measured

Simply put, this is the premier book written on the concept of the Chief Performance OfficerA?whether a single person in an organization or compilation of talented individuals, every company needs to put this program in place toensure...

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Почти как в жизни. В сборник вошли литературные сказки английских писателей-классиков А. Л. Никитин. Текстология русских летописей XI - начала XIV вв. Выпуск 1. Киево-Печерское Компьютерные новости Гого О. Е Кутафин, В. И. Фадеев. Муниципальное право Сталин и космополитизм. 1945-1953. Документы Агитпропа ЦК. Miroslav N. Jovanovic. The Economics Of European Integration: Т. В. Шклярова. Сборник самостоятельных работ по русскому David Loades. ELIZABETH I : The Golden Age of Артуро Перес-Реверте. Учитель фехтования Фредерик Пол. Анналы хичи Почта Gill Tree. Total Massage Л. А. Верещагина, И. М. Карелина. Психология потребностей Н. А. Тихомирова. Настольная книга пчеловода Юрий Никитин. Княжий пир
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