Casey Ichniowski, David I. Levine, Craig Olson, George Strauss

The American Workplace: Skills, Compensation, and Employee Involvement (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)

This volume contributes to a growing consensus about effective workplace practices. The collection combines detailed studies of single industries (automobile assembly, apparel, and machine tools) with cross-industry studies of financial performance....

Gosta Esping-Andersen

The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism

Few discussions in modern social science have occupied as much attention as the changing nature of welfare states in Western societies. Gsta Esping-Andersen, one of the foremost contributors to current debates on this issue, here provides a new...

Bary Eichengreen, Barry Eichengreen

Can the Moral Hazard Caused by IMF Bailout be Reduced? Geneva Reports on the World Economy Special Report 1

The need to limit IMF financial rescues is a theme of the literature on how to make the world a safer financial place. Those who propose to simply prohibit IMF rescues assume that it is politically feasible for the Fund to stand aside when a crisis...

Catherine Kitcho

From Idea to Launch at Internet Speed: How to Identify and Develop Profitable Opportunities

The latest new product management strategies and techniques, to reach your market faster, and to reap greater profit. This comprehensive guide contains practical and realistic information for managing new products from original concept to market...

С. М. Дубнов

Краткая история евреев

Настоящая книга "Краткая энциклопедия евреев" состоит из трех частей. В первой изложена древнейшая ("библейская") история народа до конца персидского владычества (332 г. христианской эры). Вторая часть содержит древнюю и отчасти средневековую...

<<<  Л. Н. Толстой. Война и мир (В четырех томах) - Номерной ...             Поль Верлен. Поль Верлен. Избранное (аудиокнига MP3) >>>

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И. Е. Забелин. История города Москвы Indian Textile Prints with CD-ROM. Издание 1999 года. Сохранность Яндекс Stephen Wilkes. Ellis Island: Ghosts of Freedom Яндекс Вакансии Ливе Ольга Григорьева. Старая Ладога Виртуальные открытки Российская газета Л. А. Буланов. Достижение вершин лечебного и боевого Mark L. Gillenson. Fundamentals of Database Management Systems John Patrick. Best of the Superstars : 2000 : The Year in Sex Работа Николай Полещук. AutoCAD 2008 Рудольф Штайнер. Человек и мир. Действие духа в природе. О пчелах Все о Линукс ДМОЗ
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