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Lila B. Stair, Leslie Stair Careers in Computers, Third Edition
Expert guidance on exploring and choosing a career in computers Ideal if you are a college-bound student or are thinking about making a career change, Careers in Computers offers necessary information needed to explore the...
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Laurence Barton Crisis in Organizations II
Crisis in Organizations is the most definitive and thorough work in the field of crisis management, providing detailed research and sound advice on preventing and managing crisis. Readers explore the array of incidents that face managers and...
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Robert Edenborough Effective Interviewing: A Handbook of Skills and Techniques
The ability to conduct interviews effectively is considered an essential skill for any professional. In the new updated edition of this well-regarded book, the author draws on his extensive business experience and gives invaluable advice on: how to...
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Charles Wolf Promoting Democracy and Free Markets in Eastern Europe (A Sequoia Seminar)
The year in which the Berlin Wall came down was no ordinary year, and this is no ordinary book. So rapid and fundamental were the changes in 1989 throughout the communist and once-communist world that the otherwise risky became prudent;...
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Patricia A. Davis The Art of Economic Persuasion: Positive Incentives and German Economic Diplomacy
Much has been written about a state's use of the threat of military force or economic sanctions to change the behavior of another state. Less is known about the use of positive measures such as economic assistance and investment as a means of...
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Royal Hunt: 2006. Концерт группы Royal Hunt в Санкт-Петербурге в 2006 году.
Дж. Лакофф, М. Джонсон. Метафоры, которыми мы живем
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