Chris Jones

Applied Welfare Economics

Book DescriptionApplied Welfare Economics extends a conventional cost-benefit analysis by using important results in welfare economics. The analysis is extended to accommodate trade and income taxes, time, internationally traded goods, and non-tax...

Louis R. Gorchoff

The Directory of Money Saving Coupons 2004 Edition: Where to Find Coupons for Groceries and Everything Else You Buy (With Starter Grocery Coupon Certificate Book)

Book DescriptionTHE DIRECTORY OF MONEY-SAVING COUPONS 2004 Edition, Where To Find Coupons For Groceries And Everything Else You Buy. The sourcebook that has been needed for years and spans the subject like NEVER BEFORE. Now you can benefit from...

The Bone Beneath The Pulp

Book DescriptionThe works on paper collected here, mostly in color, span the entire career of Wyndham Lewis, through Vorticism and beyond. Many drawings are from private collections and have never been displayed or published before. The drawings...

Stephen Krensky

How Santa Lost His Job

Amazon.comAuthor-illustrator team Stephen Krensky and S.D. Schindler are once again intent on demystifying the big guy in red?. They seem to be having a good time doing it, and it's pretty hard not to get caught up in the fun. Just as...

Cherokee Wyatt

The Adventures of Margaret Mouse: School Days (The Adventures of Margaret Mouse)

Book DescriptionA beautifully illustrated and bound set of books whose primary character lives by the motto "Pretty is as Pretty does". They are designed to inspire children as they follow the little mouse that always triumphs, despite her homely...

<<<  Люк Бессон. Артур и месть Урдалака             Nicholas Allan. Where Willy Went >>>

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