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Paul Collins Applying Public Administration in Development: Guideposts to the Future
This landmark publication addresses key governance issues in the management of development, drawing seminal papers from the 1999 Jubilee conference proceedings of the journal Public Administration and Development. It fills a major gap in the...
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Nomi Prins Other People's Money: The Corporate Mugging of America
Critical, independent voices are seldom found within the citadels of international finance. That's what makes Nomi Prins unique. During fifteen years in the upper flights of banks like Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, and Lehman Brothers, Prins never...
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Neta C. Crawford, Audie Klotz, Neta Crawford How Sanctions Work: Lessons from South Africa (International Political Economy)
Eleven respected scholars from South Africa, Canada and the U.S. weigh the evidence regarding the sanctions which were imposed on apartheid South Africa for decades. Although anti-apartheid activists thought sanctions would help topple the...
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Dot Barlowe The Sonoran Desert by Day and Night (Dover Pictorial Archives)
The great Sonoran Desert in the American Southwest teems with all manner of creatures and plant life. Seemingly asleep during the hot daylight hours (although many animals are astir), the desert awakes with activity after nightfall. This...
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Dan Sitarz, Paul Simon Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet
Abridged version of the main Earth Summit agreement. "Highly recommended." DSChoice...
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