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Hugh MacDiarmid The Revolutionary Art of the Future: Rediscovered Poems
Book DescriptionA selection from 300 recently discovered poems by Hugh MacDiarmid, who 25 years after his death is still a dissenting voice, are presented in this collection. The power of derisive laughter and the poetic imagination to combat...
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Bethany Nichole Coffey Moon Beam and the War of the Witch Queen : book 1
Book DescriptionDawn breaks, and the world awakes to tragedy and horror Addressing a terrified crowd, Bayla, the Witch Queen, announces that she has slain her own sisters, the rulers of the land. In her quest for power, Bayla has gone...
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Desiree A. Petrus How to Start a Business in Pennsylvania (How to Start a Business in Pennsylvania)
The laws, regulations, and minute details of starting a business can be frustrating enough to make you wonder why you thought it was a good idea in the first place. How to Start a Business in Pennsylvania contains simple explanations of everything...
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Barnabas Miller Seek the Prophet (Watching Alice, Book 3)
Book DescriptionAs Tom slowly uncovers the truth about what happened to Alice, a threatening figure from his past closes in. Meanwhile, Alice's friends reveal the key to her coded diary entries-and a secret that puts Tom's life in danger....
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Laurelle Shanti Gaia Be Peace Now
Book DescriptionAre you the peace you want to see in the world? Be Peace Now a course for peaceweavers is a self study program which includes, meditations, symbols, affirmations, chants and mudras to help the participant anchor, ever-increasing...
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