Россия и "санитарный кордон"

Мир видит странный спор: Владимир Путин в президентских посланиях напоминает об угрозе целостности и суверенитету России, а либералы Москвы и Таллина все опровергают. Все спорщики родились в мире, которого уже нет, в странах, которые стерли с карт,...

Steve Bell

Lean Enterprise Systems: Using IT for Continuous Improvement

Book DescriptionLearn how Lean IT can help companies deliver better customer service and value Lean Enterprise Systems effectively demonstrates how the techniques derived from Lean Manufacturing, combined with the thoughtful application of...

Michael Bennett

Magna Graecia : Greek Art from South Italy and Sicily

Book DescriptionThis magnificent book presents 82 masterpieces of Greek vase painting and sculpture in terrocotta, stone, and bronze from the eight great museum collections of the South of Italy and Sicily....

Les Meehan

Digital Manipulation Basics

Book Description With its handy pocket-size format, colorful screen grabs, and helpful diagrams throughout, this timely guide for photographers offers a complete course in using commonly available computer software to improve and enhance digital...

Elizabeth Wilhide

Flooring: The Essential Source Book for Planning, Selecting And Restoring Floors

Few other features can coordinate or define interior spaces as well as a carefully chosen floor. Elizabeth Wilhide offers a rich fund of inspiration and sound advice for all floors in your home--modern or period, urban or rural, sumptuous or simple....

<<<  Chuck Easttom. Learn Vb.Net             Л. В. Туманова, И. А. Владимирова. Защита семейных прав в Европейском ... >>>

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