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Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Gregory L. Moss Digital Systems: Principles and Applications, Ninth Edition
Tocci and Widmer use a block diagram approach to basic logic operations, enabling readers to have a firm understanding of logic principles before they study the electrical characteristics of the logic ICs. KEY TOPICS ...
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Karen Elizabeth Smith European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World [ILLUSTRATED]
European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World provides a clear introduction to the complexities of contemporary European Union foreign policy, and offers a fresh and distinctive perspective on the nature of the European Union's international...
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James Rolph Edwards Regulation, The Constitution, and the Economy
Regulation, The Constitution, and the Economy demonstrates the constitutionally degraded and inherently dictatorial character of regulation, its ineffectiveness in curing social ills, and its use as a tool of special interests seeking personal gain...
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Edgar E. Peters Fractal Market Analysis: Applying Chaos Theory to Investment and Economics
A leading pioneer in the field offers practical applications of this innovative science. Peters describes complex concepts in an easy-to-follow manner for the non-mathematician. He uses fractals, rescaled range analysis and nonlinear dynamical...
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Terry L. Fitzwater Manager's Pocket Guide to Documenting Employee Performance
This guide will help you document and change unwanted work behaviors before they become issues for termination. It includes information on a four-step progressive discipline process and how to apply it; clarifying gaps in execution vs. gaps in...
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