Navigating New Waters: A Reader on ACP-EU Trade Relations

This essential reader and reference tool for trade experts and interested parties brings together key analysis on all aspects of trade negotiations between the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states and the European Union. The...

Stefano Pelle

Understanding Emerging Markets: Building Business Bric by Brick (Response Books) (Response Books)

The rising power of emerging economies is analyzed in this volume which focuses on Brazil, Russia, India and China in order to understand market opportunites and issues relevant to doing business in these countries. After defining...

Kazuya Minekura

Saiyuki Reload 5 (Saiyuki Reload)...

Ирина Мельникова

Ржавый Рыцарь и Пистолетов

Страшное, горькое время наступило в жизни известной писательницы Дарьи Княгичевой. Она потеряла одного за другим самых близких, любимых мужчин. Первым ушел из жизни ее друг и учитель - знаменитый писатель Арефьев, который сам себя называл Ржавым...

Makoto Tateno

Yellow, Volume 2

Yellow Volume 2 marks the return of our heroes Goh and Taki to infiltrate the Japanese narcotics trade. This time, they're after your garden variety heroin that's being "floated" to Japan in a most unique way. Bullets will fly and Goh and Taki -...

<<<  Смирнов А.В.. Английский язык: 6 класс: Тесты к учебнику ...             David Schaps. The Invention of Coinage and the Monetization ... >>>

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