Joseph D. Patton, William H. Bleuel

After the Sale: How to Manage Product Service for Customer Satisfaction and Profit

After The Sale follows on three successful editions of Service Management: Principles and Practices. After the Sale is significantly updated, and amplifies state-of-the art strategies and tactics for effective management of product service for...

Tom Reilly

How to Sell and Manage in Tough Times and Tough Markets

The dominant theme throughout this book is that you can thrive in tough times. Reilly begins with background information: "Since 1854 we've had 32 recessions, each lasting about 1-1/2 years, and the average expansion of three years." There is a...

И. А. Бунин

И. А. Бунин. Комплект из 6 книг. Рассказы

Русский писатель Иван Алексеевич Бунин, умерший в Париже в 1953 году, при жизни не был знаменитым писателем в обычном смысле этого понятия. Бунин - художник строгий и серьезный, сосредоточенный на своих излюбленных мотивах и мыслях. Книгу...

Robert M. Gagliardi

Introduction to Communications Engineering, 2nd Edition

Presents thorough coverage of the engineering aspects of modern communication systems, paying particular attention to the practical system considerations in the end-to-end construction of a typical communication link. The text is designed to provide...

John R. Allison, Dennis L. Thomas

Telecommunications Deregulation : Market Power and Cost Allocation Issues (The IC2 Management and Management Science Series)

This volume explores critical issues in telecommunications regulatory policy by using a unique multidisciplinary lens to focus on the problems of market power and cost allocation in long distance telecommunications markets. The contributors approach...

<<<  Deborah Tannen. Talking from 9 to 5 : Women and Men at ...             David Schaps. The Invention of Coinage and the Monetization ... >>>

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