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Jamie Durie Patio: Garden Design & Inspiration
Packed with design instruction and horticulture tips, this paperback version of Jamie Durie's bestselling gardening-design book provides all the necessary information and inspiration to create glamorous garden and patio spaces. Stunning...
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Man Ray Women
Man Ray found the surreal in the commonplace, particularly in the female form, and this has made his photography some of the worldAs most accessible and recognizable: his ubiquitous La Violin dAIngres creates a cello from a womanAs torso with the...
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Courtney Lynch, Angie Morgan Leading From the Front: No-Excuse Leadership Tactics for Women
Marine Corps confidence without the boot camp As successful consultants teaching leadership to women in the workforce, Angie Morgan and Courtney Lynch have seen that women face particular challenges in feeling comfortable at...
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Robert T. Clemen, Terence Reilly Making Hard Decisions with Decision Tools Suite Update Edition
MAKING HARD DECISIONS WITH DECISIONTOOLSA® is a special version of Bob Clemen's best-selling text, MAKING HARD DECISIONS. This straight-forward book teaches the fundamental ideas of decision analysis, without an overly technical explanation of the...
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Cap & Bag. Шапка и шарф, жакет и сумка. Спицы и крючок
В книге представлена коллекция одежды и аксессуаров на все случаи жизни, причем в каждой вещи, связанной на спицах или крючком, есть "изюминка", которая позволит вам подчеркнуть свою индивидуальность. Вы будете выглядеть стильно и эффектно - с...
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