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Donald V. Helgeson Engineer's and Manager's Guide to Winning Proposals (Professional Development Library)
Here's a no-nonsense approach to the proposal process by an engineer who has worked in the trenches and knows the practical solutions to getting the job done. This book brings order out of the often chaotic frenzy that characterizes most proposal...
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Joel M. Shulman, Thomas T. Stallkamp Getting Bigger by Growing Smaller: A New Growth Model for Corporate America
Large, mature companies always become trapped at some point in the declining stages of what has become known as the corporate life cycle. Historically this barrier to continued growth has been, and is still, as unavoidable as death and taxes. ...
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Ed Romney Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition
Living Well on Practically Nothing: Revised and Updated Edition is for people who need to live on a lot less money. If you have been fired, demoted, retired, divorced, widowed, bankrupted or swindled - or you just want to quit your job and remain...
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История искусств стран Западной Европы от Возрождения до начала 20 века. Искусство XIX века. Книга 1
История искусств стран Западной Европы от Возрождения до начала XX века издана в трех книгах. Они подготовлены Отделом классического искусства Запада Государственного института искусствознания. В первой книге представлены разделы, посвященные...
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John R. Hubbard Schaum's Outline of Programming with Java
Introduced by Sun Microsystems in 1995, Java transformed the way people use the Internet. This up-to-the-minute study guide on programming with Java simplifies and demonstrates the central concepts of the program through examples and solved...
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Домой Надежда Семенова. Счастье жить в чистом теле
Д. В. Григорович. Гуттаперчевый мальчик (аудиокнига МР3)
Конференция iXBT.com
Борис Литвинов. Она не узнала о своей смерти
Maurice J. Elias, Harriett Arnold, Cynthia Steiger Hussey.
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