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Elizabeth Economy, Michel Oksenberg, Michel Oksenberg China Joins the World : Progress and Prospects
Since the 1970s, the United States has facilitated China's entry into world affairs. What are the results of the effort to integrate China into the international community at an early stage in its rise? How has the international system affected...
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Natasha Alexander Luxembourg Investment & Business Guide
This investment guide contains basic information on economy, business, export-import and investment climate, opportunities and regulations. Provides strategic information on economy, industrial development, banking, and government. Includes...
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Charles F. Hofacker, Charles F. Hofacker Internet Marketing , 3rd Edition
* Online Activities. Each chapter in this text has an Online Activities section tied to research activities using the Interactive Journal. By using the Interactive Journal to complete the exercises, readers can gain a better understanding of the...
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George Omura Mastering AutoCAD 2002 (With CD-ROM)
Written by best-selling author George Omura, this fully revised edition leads users through common tasks, paves the way for intermediate skills, and delves into more advanced topics. --The book's step-by-step tutorials allow users to get started...
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Джо Хабракен Microsoft Access 2000
Книга поможет читателям войти в мир Access, популярного приложения для создания и обработки баз данных, - таблиц, запросов, отчетов их составляющих и столь необходимых в наше время широкому кругу предпринимателей, бухгалтерам, студентам, школьникам...
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