John P. Blair, Laura A. Reese

Approaches to Economic Development: Readings from Economic Development Quarterly

This Reader presents a selection of articles from Economic Development Quarterly , the premier journal for practitioners and academics of local economic development. The pieces chosen cover both the breadth and the cutting edge of real world...

Thomas F. Cargill, Naoyuki Yoshino

Postal Savings and Fiscal Investment and Loan Program in Japan: The PSS and the FILP

The book provides an overview of the Postal Savings System and the Fiscal Investment and Loan Program. These institutions are a major feature of Japanese finance, not extensively discussed outside of Japan. Together, they represent a wide-ranging...

Jonathan Low, Pam Cohen Kalafut

Invisible Advantage: How Intangibles Are Driving Business Performance

The Enron debacle, the implosion, and a record-breaking deal for a popular morning news anchor are only a few of the most dramatic examples of a new economic paradigm that is rewriting the rules of business. Consider the following: IBM...

Paul Jeffcutt, Paul Jeffcut

The Foundations of Management Knowledge: Examining Complex Relations Between Theory and Practice

Brings together a group of leading academics from North America, Europe and Australasia to address a question of considerable contemporary concern - the nature of management knowledge in relation to rapidly changing arenas of theory and practice. ...

Michael Martin Beyerlein, Douglas A. Johnson, Susan T. Beyerlein

Team Performance Management

Hardbound. The chapters in this volume are drawn from the Center for Study of Work Teams most recent conference, one which brings practitioners and researchers together to share knowledge and experience. The chapters cover a diversity of issues and...

<<<  Чингиз Абдуллаев. Закат в Лиссабоне             Классика геополитики. XIX век. Всем, кто оказался на задворках ... >>>

Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.

Мегафон Яхо Одри Нелсон, Сюзан Голант. Язык мимики и жестов. Что это такое Почта.ру Е. В. Воробьева. ЕСН 2007. Новейший справочник налогоплательщика Jacques Derrida, Geoffrey H. Hartman, J. Hillis Хребет дьявола. Педро Альмодовар представляет!!! Эдуардо Норьега Домашние кошки. В книге изложены сведения о породах кошек, Газета.ру Конференция Игры Нигма Garet Garrett. Where the Money Grows and А. Митрофанов. Городские прогулки. Владимиръ Билайн Гогле Игры О компьютерах Казачьи войска. Хроника. Перед вами краткая хроника истории возникновения Поиск работы Корбина
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