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Kenichi Imai, Ryutaro Komiya Business Enterprise in Japan: Views of Leading Japanese Economists
Is capitalism everywhere driven by the same logic of market forces, contract, and individualistic motivation? Or is Japan different? These eighteen contributions by leading Japanese economists shed light on a number of issues in this increasingly...
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Tito Boeri, Gordon H. Hanson, Barry McCormick, Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti Immigration Policy and the Welfare State: A Report for the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti
This book draws together and unifies analysis of immigration into the major EU countries and the US, making digestible and transparent the major trends and dramatic developments of the past decade. While the influence of the welfare state on...
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Janice Calnan Shift: Secrets of Positive Change for Organizations and Their Leaders
Shift: Secrets of Positive Change for Organizations and Their Leaders offers a new perspective on coping with the perceived disorder and chaos of today's ever-changing workplace. By outlining a series of actions, through four major principals...
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Ronald R. Jordan, Katelyn L. Quynn Planned Giving : Management, Marketing, and Law (Wiley Nonprofit Law, Finance and Management Series)
An indispensable guide to all aspects?management, marketing, and law?of a successful planned giving program Planned giving allows the individual donor to make a significant contribution to a specified organization using a variety of...
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Максим Букин Все про ваш мобильный телефон. Книга 4
В книге собраны материалы о новинках индустрии мобильной связи. Легко и интересно рассказывается о новых мобильных сервисах по определению местоположения абонента, покупке сотовых телефонов через сеть интернет и т.д. Отдельный раздел посвящен...
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