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Anthony J Cataldo II Information Asymmetry, Volume 13 : A Unifying Concept for Financial & Managerial Accounting Theories (Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting)
Book DescriptionThis monograph seeks to provide a theoretical foundation and linkage between financial and managerial accounting. Just as the lines between the CPA-auditor or the financial analyst and consultants, underwriters, and management have...
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Michael F. Farrell Business Environment and Concepts (Lambers Cpa Review)
Book DescriptionPart Four of the Computer-Based CPA Exam: Volume Four of the Lambers CPA Review series covers Business Environment and Concepts. This book contains review material, examples and practice questions with solutions....
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Edward E. Lawler Human Resources Business Process Outsourcing : Transforming How HR Gets Its Work Done (Jossey Bass Business and Management Series)
Book DescriptionIn Human Resources Business Process Outsourcing , Edward E. Lawler III, Dave Ulrich, Jac Fitz-enz (the foremost experts in the human resource field) and James C. Madden V (the CEO of the top HR outsourcing firm), clearly...
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Dolores M. Huffman Health Problems in the Classroom 6-12 : An A-Z Reference Guide for Educators
Book Description Sharpen your medical knowledge and understanding of health problems and concerns facing today?s students with this authoritative reference guide! Further continuing the...
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Jenefer Robinson Deeper Than Reason: Emotion And Its Role In Literature, Music, And Art
Book DescriptionDeeper than Reason takes the insights of modern scientific research on the emotions and uses them to illuminate questions about our emotional involvement with the arts. Robinson begins by laying out a theory of emotion, one that is...
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Historical Encyclopedia of American Labor : Two Volumes]. Book
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А. М. Кода, Г. П. Шалаева. Итальянско-русский
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Аркадий и Борис Стругацкие. Страна багровых туч.
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Impressionist Camera: Pictorial Photography in Europe, 1888-1918.
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Джон Фаулз. Дэниел Мартин