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О статусе военнослужащих
В издании приводится текст Федерального закона Российской Федерации "О статусе военнослужащих" в редакции от 27 ноября 2002 года. Настоящий закон определяет права, свободы, обязанности и ответственность военнослужащих, а также основы государственной...
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Детлеф Блюм Тайна придворного шута
1756 год. Дрезден. Любимый придворный шут курфюрста Саксонии Шнеллер, попавший к покровителю в немилость, уходит из жизни, унося в могилу тайну своих легендарных сокровищ... Наши дни. Берлин. Студентка Клаудиа Шустер находит в старинной...
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Chris Gratton, Peter Taylor Economics of Sport and Recreation
This new edition includes an overview of the history of the development of sports markets and the role of economics in the analysis of these markets. It has been thoroughly updated to take account of new developments. It examines the demand for...
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Learning Express, Learningexpress COSMETOLOGY LICENSING EXAM PRACTICE 2E
For cosmetology Licensing candidatesThis is an up-to-date, essential guide for beauty industry candidates whoneed to pass state licensing boards in order to become certifiedcosmetologists....
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Aspatore Books Staff, Bigwig Briefs Staff, BigwigBriefs.com Career Options for Law School Students: Leading Partners From the World's Top Firms Provide a Glimpse Into the Real World Life in Various Practice Areas & Reveal the Secrets to Personal & Professional Success as Lawyer
Bigwig Briefs: Career Options for Law School Students includes knowledge excerpts from some of the biggest name lawyers in the world including partners from Hogan & Hartson, Sughrue, Mion, Zinn, Macpeak & Seas, Buchanan Ingersoll, Palmer & Dodge,...
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Mary V. Alfred. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education,
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Frank J. Fabozzi, James L. Grant. Equity Portfolio Management
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