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Martha Baker-Jordan Practical Piano Pedogy
Book DescriptionPractical Piano Pedagogy,by Dr.Martha Baker-Jordan is a comprehensive 468-page pedagogy text for ALL piano teachers including those future teachers who are currently enrolled in pedagogy courses in colleges and ...
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Helen Tower Brunet Nellie and Charlie : A Family Memoir of the Gilded Age
Book DescriptionWhen Nellie Smith from Oakland, California met Charlie Tower, a young millionaire from Philadelphia on a cruise to Alaska in l887, it was love at first sight. They soon married and moved to Philadelphia?s Rittenhouse Square. ...
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Michael Anthony Steele G.i. Joe (G.I. Joe)
Book Description The second G.I. JOE 8x8 storybook takes place on a deserted island, where Shipwreck and a deadly COBRA B.A.T. have both washed ashore after an ocean collision. Who will be the first to find the mysterious secret hidden deep...
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Malcolm Rose Lost Bullet (Traces)
Book DescriptionRecently qualified as a forensic investigator, Luke Harding is assigned to the slums of London, where he and Malc investigate a doctor"s murder. They find a bullet wound to her head, but rain has washed away the bullet—and all...
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Л. А. Гребеник, М. А. Солодилова, Н. В. Иванова, В. Н. Рыжаева Тесты по биологии
Пособие составлено в соответствии с программными материалами для средних общеобразовательных школ и программой по биологии для поступающих в высшие учебные заведения России преподавателями кафедры медицинской биологии, генетики и экологии КГМУ -...
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