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Иоахим Бюшкен Возьми клиента в заложники. Как это делается
Лояльность клиентов не выпрашивают, ее завоевывают. Хватит до бесконечности удовлетворять все новые и новые причуды покупателей. Альтернативный подход заключается в создании существенных издержек переключения, что «намертво» закрепляет клиентов. В...
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Josep Casals Seascapes & Landscapes: Course Of Drawing And Painting (Start to Learn)
Book DescriptionThis tutorial provides a clear view on the two most used images in the world of drawing and painting - seascapes and landscapes. Practical and well-illustrated exercises help beginning artists easily undertake creating these images...
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Jerry George Hidden Treasures of San Francisco Bay
Book DescriptionWhether focused with intimacy on the unblinking and thoughtful eye of a mountain lion or on the moon that seems delicately balanced atop a distant ridge, Dennis E. Anderson lays before us an unusual bay that is full of surprise and...
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Easy Monday Crosswords
Book Description Now there's a crossword collection for every level of solver, from word game newcomers to experienced experts who confidently use a pen, even when completing total brainbusters. Just like the crosswords in most newspapers, this...
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Rochelle Alers A Younger Man
Book DescriptionThe Perfect Recipe .... For Passion Kumi Walker never suspected that love was on the menu when he offered to fix Veronica's flat tire in exchange for a home-cooked meal. It was not long before the sexy-as-sin ex-marine realized...
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
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Е. Л. Соснина. Черный алмаз
Brad Cleveland. ICMI's Call Center Management Dictionary:
Robert P. Miles. 101 Reasons to Own the World's Greatest
Российская газета
Frezzato. Keepers of the Maser: Lost Village (Keepers
Джон Максвелл. Команда 101
Ханс-Д. Литке, Илонка Кунов. Управление проектами
Лучшие блюда в горшочках. На современных кухнях чего
Economia Spring 2004: Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic
Arthur I. Cyr. After the Cold War: American Foreign Policy,