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Patricia Hruby Powell Zinnia: How the Corn Was Saved
Book DescriptionWhen the Navajo's crops fail yet again, the boy Red Bird is sent to ask Spider Woman for her help. His journey leads him to a flock of sun-yellow birds, a lizard, a Gila monster, and a snake. To each of the animals, Red Bird asks...
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Richard Chase Grandfather Tales
Book DescriptionThe only people who can tell these stories better than Richard Chase are the folks in North Carolina and Virginia who told them to him. These stories have been handed down for generations and have been enjoyed by grownups and...
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Sampson Davis We Beat the Street: How a Friendship Led to Success
Book Description Sampson, George, and Rameck could easily have followed their childhood friends into drug dealing, gangs, and prison. Like their peers, they came from poor, single-parent homes in urban neighborhoods where survival, not scholastic...
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Gen LaGreca Noble Vision
Book DescriptionWhat happens to independent thought in a socialized health system? This question is superimposed on the action in NOBLE VISION, a gripping love story between Nicole Hudson, a tragically injured ballerina, and Dr. David Lang, an...
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Говард Лавкрафт Зов Ктулху
Говард Лавкрафт. Человек, которого называли - не меньше! - Эдгаром По XX века. Создатель и магистр американской мистической "черной школы" 20-х - 30-х годов прошлого века, школы не писателей даже - но людей, жизнью своей доказавших, что путь от...
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