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Сергей Глазьев Я просто выполняю свой долг
Каждый из нас, граждан России, вскоре вновь окажется перед выбором: оставаться пассивным наблюдателем и, одновременно, заложником политики властвующей верхушки, или принять участие в создании реальных механизмов ответственности власти перед...
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Anthony Horowitz Stormbreaker (Alex Rider Adventure)
They told him his uncle died in a car accident. But fourteen-year-old Alex knows that's a lie, and the bullet holes in his uncle's windshield confirm his suspicions. But nothing could prepare him for the news that the uncle he always thought he knew...
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Ray Raphael Founding Myths: Stories That Hide Our Patriotic Past
The highly praised book in which cherished stories from American history are exposed as myths. Widely praised following its initial publication, Founding Myths is a page-turner created out of the stuff of American history...
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Jack Cole The Classic Pin-Up Art of Jack Cole
A collection of the rare '50s pinups that led to the artist's final gig, as Playboy 's first star cartoonist. In the rarefied realm of classic cartoon pin-up art, nobody did it better than Jack Cole. With his quirky line drawings and...
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Berenice Geoffroy-Schneiter
Africa Is in Style...
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Е. С. Боровик, В. В. Еременко, А. С. Мильнер. Лекции
Игорь Атаманенко. Тайные войны спецслужб
Заложники. Джек (Томас Ян Гриффитс) чудом выиграл
А. В. Коржавин. Практический курс французского языка