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Heidi Richards What's Your OccuPLAYtion? 149 Ideas to Increase Job Satisfaction, Reduce Stress and Get More Out of Your Work and Your Life
A sense of humor will take you far in work and in life. It is an antidote for depression. It relieves stress and anxiety. A sense of humor is a business asset. There's a Chinese proverb that states, "Person without a smiling face must not open...
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Robert Edwards Lane, Robert E. Lane The Market Experience
In a period when market economies are widely recognized as the most desirable form of economic organization, Robert Lane offers evidence that the major premises of market economics are mistaken. Lane shows that work, far from being a disutility, as...
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Robert Albritton, John Simoulidis New Dialectics and Political Economy (Political Science & International Relations)
Many of the leading thinkers on dialectics in the Marxian tradition have collaborated here to put forward and debate challenging new perspectives on the nature and importance of dialectics. The issues dealt with range from the philosophical...
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Andrew Thomson, Christopher Mabey, John Storey, Colin Gray, Paul Iles Changing Patterns of Management Development (Managements, Organizations, and Business)
Written in a highly accessible style by a small distinguished team, this book provides a definitive overview of the key themes and trends in management development. It focuses, in particular, on the way organisations develop their managers, and on...
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Dysphagia - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References
In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...
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