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Андрей Белый Петербург
Роман "Петербург" - один из самых известных романов писателя-символиста Андрея Белого. По замыслу автора - это заключительный аккорд "мифа о Петербурге", творимого на протяжении целого столетия гениями русской культуры: Пушкиным, Гоголем,...
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Haden Blackman, Ryan Kaufman, Thomas Andrews, Matt Fillbach, Shawn Fillbach Clone Wars Adventures, Vol. 3 (Star Wars)
As the Clone Wars continue to rock the Star Wars universe, the Republic's forces, led by the Jedi, find themselves drawn ever-deeper into Darth Sidious' evil web. With stories covering all aspects of the Clone Wars - from the trials of the revered...
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Jeph Loeb
Catwoman: When in Rome (Batman)...
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Paul Zindel The Pigman
A Most Unusual Friendship When sophomores John and Lorraine played a practical joke a few months ago on a stranger named Angelo Pignati, they had no idea what they were starting. Virtually overnight, almost against...
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Randolph A Smith, Stephen Davis The Psychologist as Detective: An Introduction to Conducting Research in Psychology (4th Edition)
The Psychologist as Detective conveys the excitement of research methodology through a lively, conversational style. To make the study of the research process interactive and accessible for readers, pedagogical...
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Ron P. Cody, Jeffrey K. Smith. Applied Statistics
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