Roger Owen

Lord Cromer: Victorian Imperialist, Edwardian Proconsul

Book DescriptionIn the heyday of Empire just before the First World War, Lord Cromer was second only to Lord Curzon in fame and public esteem. In the days when Cairo and Calcutta represented the twin poles of British power in Asia and Africa,...

Jay L. Westbrook

Principles of Cooperation Among the NAFTA Countries: Transnational Insolvency: Cooperation Among the NAFTA Countries (American Law Institute)

Book DescriptionThis volume contains carefully considered black letter and commentary very much in the traditional ALI mode, stating and elaborating principles for judicial cooperation among the three NAFTA countries: the United States, Canada and...

Sexuality in the Time of AIDS: Contemporary Perspectives from Communities in India

Book DescriptionThis volume presents and reviews a wide range of recent research on sexuality and sexual behaviours in India to better understand the patterns of risk among different sections of the Indian populace. Participants in India's...

Karen Hughes

Ten Minutes from Normal

Book Description"The rule of thumb in any White House is that nobody is indispensable except the president," said The New York Times, "but Karen Hughes has come as close to that description as any recent presidential aide." Karen Hughes has worked...

А. П. Жмакин

Архитектура ЭВМ

Пособие объединяет в одном издании теоретическую часть одноименной дисциплины и лабораторный практикум. Рассмотрены базовые вопросы организации ЭВМ: функциональная организация ЭВМ, системы команд и командный цикл. Большое внимание уделено...

<<<  Shinsaku Fujita. Organic Chemistry of Photography             Александр Беляев. Последний человек из ... >>>

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