Richard J. Hunter, Leo V. Ryan

From Autarchy to Market

From the ashes of World War II to the impending obstacles of the new millennium, this multidisciplinary study examines Poland's recent economic and political development. It explores the creation and collapse of the system of central planning, the...

Julie Bick

El Paradigma

El ritmo de los cambios que afectan a la Nueva Economia es de tal magnitud que ya nadie parece tener una idea clara de las perspectivas de futuro. El merito de Microsoft es, en este contexto, aun mayor, ya que a pesar de todas las...

Walter Kennes

Small Developing Countries and Global Markets: Competing in the Big League

More than half of the world's sovereign states are small economies. The majority are in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean Basin. For small economies, the globalization process involves opportunities, but also important risks because of their...

Jagdish N. Sheth, David M. Gardner, Dennis E. Garrett

Marketing Theory: Evolution and Evaluation

This thought-provoking book chronicles the evolution of marketing theories and the rationales behind them. The authors present a typology for the twelve schools of marketing thought, and describe a comprehensive metatheoretical framework based on...

Nicholas Wells

Guide to Linux Networking and Security

A hands-on, practical guide provides in-depth coverage of general networking concepts and component, plus coverage of computer security from privacy and cryptography to file systems, secure shell, and VPN software....

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