Hidetaka Yoshimatsu

Japan and East Asia in Transition: Trade Policy, Crisis and Evolution, and Regionalism

This book examines how Japan has changed its economic relationship with East Asia since the mid 1990's by looking at its commitments to import relief, regional financial and industrial transformations, and regionalism. While the Japanese government...

J. D. Van Mansvelt, M. J. Van Der Lubbe

Checklist for Sustainable Landscape Management

Hardbound. This work is an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, widely-calibrated checklist for EU sustainable landscape management, which is intended to serve both as an analytical tool of reference as well as a design tool for local, regional and...

Jim Holden

World-Class Selling: The Crossroads of Customer, Sales, Marketing and Technology

Praise for Jim Holden?s World Class Selling "World Class Selling is a must for any company executive and sales professional committed to achieving world class supremacy. Jim Holden has surpassed himself." ?George E. Harvey President,...

Kenneth A. Adams

Legal Usage in Drafting Corporate Agreements

From a corporate lawyer in private practice comes the first detailed survey of the conventions of language and structure in drafting corporate agreements. Adams summarizes the traditional techniques of drafting and proposes alternatives that will...

Е. В. Сизова, Н. В. Харитонова

Самостоятельные и проверочные работы к учебнику "Мое отечество". 3 класс

Самостоятельные и проверочные работы к учебнику "Мое Отечество" содержат дидактический материал для проведения контроля за усвоением знаний и навыков и являются составной частью учебно-методического комплекта для 3-го класса по пропедевтическому...

<<<  Elizabeth L. Chesla. 501 Vocabulary Questions (Skill Builder in Focus)             Владимир Булдаков. Quo vadis? Кризисы в России. ... >>>

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Русское радио Билл Диффендерффер. Руководитель-самурай. Бусидо для лидера Программы TORFROCK. TORFROCKBALL IM H. Исполнитель: TORFROCK Альбом: Hollywood Abroad: Audiences And Cultural Exchange. Book DescriptionHollywood Одноклассники Автомобильный портал Ю. Циркин. Мифы Финикии и Угарита Поиск людей Яндекс Яхо Пэм Аллен. Вязание для "чайников"
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