
Общие сведения, технология производства работ подготовительного периода, основания фундаментов, земляные работы, виды фундаментов, теплоизоляция фундаментов и подвалов, гидроизоляция подземных сооружений и другое....

Monroe E. Price

Media and Sovereignty : The Global Information Revolution and Its Challenge to State Power

Book DescriptionMedia have been central to government efforts to reinforce sovereignty and define national identity, but globalization is fundamentally altering media practices, institutions, and content. More than the activities of large...

John A. Davis

Magic Numbers for Consumer Marketing : Key Measures to Evaluate Marketing Success

Book Description Magic Numbers for Consumer Marketing specifically describes key marketing measures commonly used in business. The book is designed to help marketers and non-marketers alike recognize the best measures to use when...

Julian Richards

Stonehenge: A History In Photographs

Book DescriptionSince the earliest days of the medium photographers have been drawn to the power and beauty of this mysterious and iconic landmark. The photographs they have taken have added to our knowledge and understanding of the site, as well as...

Jorg Adam

Accomplices: Doorstops, Dropcatchers and other Symbiotic Gadgets

Book DescriptionMany of the objects which we regulary use are mass-produced. With the aid of helpful little devides - accomplices - these products are made perfect. The editors have selected in this book accomplices from supermarket shelves,...

<<<  Миронова А.В.. Русская свадьба. Юбилеи, торжества, сценарии, ...             Владимир Булдаков. Quo vadis? Кризисы в России. ... >>>

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Н. А. Купина, О. А. Михайлова. Основы стилистики и культуры речи. Практикум Bernard F. Sliger, Cheryl D. Jennings, Работа Виталий Бианки. Виталий Бианки. Сказки Работа Таня Лищук. Ты и твои деньги. Психология Топ майл.ру Анатолий Виноградов. Повесть о братьях Тургеневых Ravi Kothuri, Albert Godfrind, Euro Beinat. Pro Oracle Хулиганы. Элайджа Вуд (трилогия "Властелин Колец"), Клер Форлани ("Знакомьтесь, Футбол Аркадий Стругацкий, Борис Стругацкий. Обитаемый остров. Малыш Счетчик Elaine S. Potoker. Managing Diverse Working Styles : The Leadership Потапов В.В.. Динамика и статика речевого ритма. Сравнительное Yves Behar. Yves Behar+fuseproject : Concept/Commerce : Commerce/Concept Д. О. Сиваков. Водное право QIP.ру IIS 2002 Symposium, Slawomir T. Wierzchon, Maciej Michalewicz. Intelligent Myo Thant, Hiroshi Kakazu, Min Tang. В. В. Пиляева. Гражданское и торговое право зарубежных Bernard T. Lewis, Richard Payant. Facility Managers Maintenance
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