Reaching the Poor With Health, Nutrition, And Population Services: What Works, What Doesn't, And Why

Book DescriptionThis volume presents eleven case studies that document how well or poorly health, nutrition, and population programs have reached disadvantaged groups in the countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America where they were undertaken....

Jay Conrad Levinson

Guerrilla Marketing 101 Lab: Lessons from the Father of Guerrilla Marketing

This workbook by Jay Conrad Levinson, Father of the Worldwide Guerrilla Marketing Revolution, contains various workshop activities and projects that will propel you to business success. The activities and projects include: .Over 100 pages of...

Алексей Иванов

Сердце Пармы, или Чердынь - княгиня гор

"Сердце Пармы", вероятно, самый известный роман писателя Алексея Иванова, автора таких бестселлеров, как "Золото бунта" и "Географ глобус пропил". Две могучие силы столкнулись на древней пермской земле. Православный Господь, именем которого...

Tess Collins

How Theater Managers Manage

Book DescriptionThe job of the theater manager has always been an intricate part of the theatrical community. This work investigates the job in terms of such daily activities as supervising staff, interacting with unions, facility management, show...

Judy Mitoma

Envisioning Dance on Film and Video

Book DescriptionVirtually everyone working in dance today uses electronic media technology. Envisioning Dance on Film and Video chronicles this 100-year history and gives readers new insight on how dance creatively exploits the art and craft of film...

<<<  И. М. Швец, Н. А. Добротина. Биосфера и человечество. 9 ...             Б. В. Соколов. Адольф Гитлер. Жизнь под свастикой >>>

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