David I. Cleland

Strategic Management of Teams

This book is for the manager who wants to use teams as a strategic initiative in facing change in the business. It discusses: alternative uses for teams; using teams to facilitate greater participation of all individuals planning organizational...

Ken Wells, Michael Lewis

Floating Off the Page: The Best Stories from the Wall Street Journal's Middle Column (Wall Street Journal Book)

On any given day, millions of Wall Street Journal readers put aside the serious business and economic news of the day to focus first on the paper's middle column (a.k.a. the A-hed), a virtual sound-bubble for light literary fare -- a...

Mark L. Sirower

The Synergy Trap

With acquisition activity running into the trillions of dollars, the acquisition alternative continues to be the favorite corporate growth strategy of this generation's executives. Unfortunately, creating shareholder value remains the most...

Jagdish Parikh

Managing Yourself: Management by Detached Involvement (Developmental Management)

Managing Your Self is a unique and groundbreaking guide to increasing personal and professional effectiveness in a business context. Now available in paperback, the book shows students and managers how to contribute effectively and progressively to...

Jeffrey H. Greenhaus, Gerard A. Callanan, Veronica M. Godshalk

Career Management

Career Management is designed to help students understand themselves and their careers, to develop the skills necessary to manage their careers effectively, and to act as a mentor or human resource manager helping other workers develop their own...

<<<  Ник Сортэл. Баскетбол. 100 упражнений и советов ...             Helen Mar Whitney. A Widow's Tale: The 1884-1896 Diary of Helen Mar Kimball ... >>>

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