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Сергей Городецкий Сергей Городецкий. Стихотворения и поэмы
Самобытный и одаренный мастер стиха, Сергей Городецкий принадлежит к тому поколению советских поэтов, чей творческий путь начался задолго до Октября. Преодолев влияния модернистских течений - символизма и акмеизма - Сергей Городецкий принял активное...
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William A. McEachern Macroeconomics : A Contemporary Introduction (with InfoTrac)
Book Description This very successful textbook is distinguished by a superior writing style that draws upon common student experiences to introduce economic concepts, making economic theory more accessible and interesting. "Case Studies" and...
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Integrated Land-Change Science and Tropical Deforestation in the Southern Yucatan: Final Frontiers (Clarendon Lectures in Geography and Environmental Studies)
Book DescriptionThis highly topical study of tropical deforestation reports on the first phase of a large, integrated, multi- institutional, and team-based study. Based in Mexico, it is designed to understand and project land changes in a...
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Lois Hart 50 Activities for Developing Leaders, Vol. II (50 Activities for Developing Leaders)
Book DescriptionFor years, the popular 50 Activities for Developing Leaders, Volume I, has helped trainers effectively introduce and reinforce key skills in leadership training. Now the all-new, second volume reflects the best and latest thinking on...
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Angelika Fitz Kapital & Karma/Capital & Karma: Aktuelle Positionen Idischer Kunst/Recent Positions in Indian Art
Book DescriptionIn the past decade, India's cities have been caught in the grip of an enormous push toward globalization, an abrupt internationalization of capital, consumption, and media that has also effected changes in the contexts of Indian...
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