Анита Мейсон


Время действия - первый век нашей эры. Место действия - римская провинция Иудея. В эпоху, когда народ ждет прихода мессии, появляется человек, который умеет летать: Симон Волхв - чародей, некромант, изгой, иллюзионист. Ему, которому подвластна...

Mai-Lan Tomsen, Ron Faith

Reaching the Interactive Customer: Integrated Services for the Digital World

The internet revolution of the 1990's has helped shape a new culture of interactivity in the modern household. Technology that first found success in the workplace, has moved into the daily patterns of American lives. Web sites, MP3 players, cell...

Ed Lawler, Edmund Lawler, Charlie Trotter

Lessons in Service from Charlie Trotter

As winner of the James Beard Foundation?s Outstanding Restaurant Award, Charlie Trotter and his service staff run what many consider to be America?s finest restaurant. But it?s not just about food in this renowned Chicago hot spot....

Sean Meehan, Patrick Barwise

Simply Better: Winning and Keeping Customers by Delivering What Matters Most

A No-Nonsense Approach to Customer-Focused Business In their relentless quest for differentiation, many companies have poured their energies into making their offerings distinctive from competitors'. Yet, according to marketing experts...

Mark Shonka, Dan Kosch

Beyond Selling Value: A Proven Process to Avoid the Vendor Trap

How to sell value, increase margins, make price irrelevant, win executive-level credibility, and create competitive immunity. Selling value is taking on a whole new meaning for sales professionals. Here's a proven process pros can...

<<<  Annette Friskopp, Sharon Silverstone, Sharon Silverstein. ...             Paul Embree. C Algorithms for Real-Time DSP >>>

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