Richard Hunecke

Leica M6-Ttl

Book DescriptionRichard Huneke has with the cooperation of Leica Camera Gmbh had the use of a Leica M6-TTL. The Leica M6-TTL replaces the Leica M6 fourteen years after its launch. The M6-TTL offers a choice of two view-finder magnifications,...

Wadsworth Publishing

ArtBasics : An Illustrated Glossary and Timeline

Book Description A brief introduction to the basic terms, styles, and time periods, ARTBASICS is a handy reference for any beginning art student. Presented with full-color fine art images and high quality line art depicting the styles and techniques...

Robert Doherty

Area 51: The Mission (Area 51 (Audio))

Book DescriptionNow we know what the government hid there. It's time we found out why.... Hidden deep in the Amazon rain forest is a place shrouded in mystery. It is called The Mission. And in nearby villages...

Reginald Gibbons

Sweetbitter: A Novel

Gibbons's first novel takes place in east Texas in 1910 during the time of white rule-not by law but by lynch mob. Amid the suffocating racism and fear, half-Choctaw, half-white Reuben Sweetbitter and Martha Clarke, a white woman, fall in love....

The Money in the Honey: A Midrash About Young David, Future King of Israel

Book DescriptionWhen a wealthy widow, Rochel, living in King Saul?s Israel, prepares for a long, distant journey, she faces one dilemma: where to safely hide her fortune of gold coins while she?s away. Rochel?s clever solution? To...

<<<  Михаил Шолохов. Михаил Шолохов. Собрание сочинений в восьми ...             Paul Embree. C Algorithms for Real-Time DSP >>>

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