Berend Wierenga, Aad Van Tilburg, Klaus G. Grunert, Michel Wedel

Agricultural Marketing and Consumer Behavior in a Changing World

As in many other sectors, in agribusiness major changes are taking place. On the demand side, consumers are changing lifestyles, eating and shopping habits, and increasingly are demanding more accommodation of these needs in the supermarket. With...

Jeffrey F. Rayport, Bernard J. Jaworski, Jeffrey Rayport


Once every decade a book comes along that becomes the standard in a field of study, the indispensable reference that every thoughtful practitioner must have on the shelf. Like Samuelson in Economics, Drucker in Management, and Porter in Strategy,...

Сокровища искусства стран Азии и Африки. Выпуск 1

Первый сборник "Сокровища искусства народов Азии и Африки" лишь начало последовательного знакомства читателей с шедеврами восточного искусства. Появление в свет этого сборника и подготовка к печати последущих выпусков подчинены одной идее -...

Jim Ledin

Simulation Engineering: Build Better Embedded Systems Faster

Build complex embedded systems faster and with lower costs by: · knowing when and how much simulation testing is appropriate. · applying engineering methods to simulation design and development. · using the best tools...

Stanley A. Sawyer, Steven G. Krantz

A TEX Primer for Scientists

This concise, straightforward guide provides an all-purpose introduction to writing and preparing papers, reports, articles, and books with TEX. Scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and technical staff will discover how easy it is to clearly and...

<<<  Joseph R Dominick. Dynamics of Mass Communication with OLC             А. П. Зрелов. Имущественный налоговый вычет. ... >>>

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Каталог софта Футбол Ливе Ответы РБК Ливе Бесплатные объявления Howard Gardner, Emma Laskin. Leading Minds: Почта.ру Бесплатные объявления Charles E. Lindblom. The Market System: What It Is, How It Works, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. El General en su Laberinto Новости Вакансии Почта Яхо Апорт Билайн Гого QIP.ру Бесплатный хостинг Decorative Art 60s (Klotz). Pop and space age interiors: Michael Jackson. Success Principle: Singing Life's Praises
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