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Diane M. Browder, Levan Lim Improving Work Efficiency: Job Training Based on Engineering Principles (Innovations)
Improving Work Efficiency presents procedures, "borrowed" from the business world, which can be used to assist people with mental retardation to improve their work quality and efficiency. Based on proven job engineering used for years in industry,...
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Horst Siebert The World Economy
Horst Sievert, a leading international economist, breaks new ground in taking a truly global view of the world economy, viewing it as an entity, as if from outer space. Individual chapters provide a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of...
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K. Douglas Hoffman, John E. G. Bateson Essentials of Services Marketing: Concepts, Strategies and Cases
The primary objective of Essentials of Services Marketing: Concepts, Strategies Cases, 2e is to provide materials that not only introduce the student to the field of services marketing, but also acquaint the student with specific customer service...
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Andrew Bryce Shafran, Andy Shafran Creating Your Own Web Pages
It's not enough to surf the Web anymore; everyone is creating their own Web pages! With this complete step-by-step tutorial, Internet expert Andy Shafran guides you through Web page basics, then shows you easy ways to customize your pages. You'll...
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Mark Musen, Bernd Neumann, Rudi Studer Intelligent Information Processing: Ifip 17th World Computer Congress-Tc12 Stream on Intelligent Information Processing, August 25-30, 2002, Montreal, Quebec (International Federation for Information Processing, 93)
Intelligent information processing has become one of the key issues on our way to a knowledge society. Recent research has led to exciting advances in technologies that will shape our future. Knowledge-based systems have matured to provide services...
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Дэвид Лисс. Заговор бумаг
Ростест Тонкий притягательный слайдер (толщина 10,6 мм) Samsung
Darryl D. Enos. Performance Improvement:
Robert Werling. Beyond Light: American
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Christopher A. Bartlett, Sumantra Ghoshal, Paul W. Beamish.
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