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Stephen Brown The Theory of Public Utility Pricing
Debate about deregulation has focused considerable attention on the pricing policies of public utilities. Much work has been done by economists on this subject, and in this book the results of that research are presented and made accessible to...
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Pete Slosberg Beer for Pete's Sake: The Wicked Adventures of a Brewing Maverick
Pete reflects on his life with beer, and shares everything he knows about beer and brewing. Written for the average person who doesn't know everything about beer, but would love to ask....
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Wendy Cameron, Sheila Haines, Mary McDougall Maude English Immigrant Voices: Labourers' Letters from Upper Canada in the 1830s
Letters home to the south of England from rural workers after their emigration to Upper Canada....
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Finn Tarp Foreign Aid and Development : Lessons Learned and Directions for the Future (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)
Aid has worked in the past but can be made to work better in the future. This book offers important new research and will appeal to those working in economics, politics, development studies as well as governmental and aid professionals....
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Richard Steckel, Robin Simons, Jeffrey Simons, Norman Tanen, Richard Doing Best by Doing Good Steckel Making Money While Making a Difference: How to Profit with a Nonprofit Partner
The essential--and only--guide for managers who want to make a positive social impact and still make a profit. Richard Steckel, author of Filthy Rich & Other Nonprofit Fantasies, pioneered the use of strategic alliances between for-profits...
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А. Н. Сахаров. История России ХVII-ХVIII
Charles M. Goldie, Richard G. E. Pinch, C. M. Series.