Haridimos Tsoukas, Nicos Mylonopoulos

Organizations As Knowledge Systems: Knowledge, Learning, and Dynamic Capabilities

Knowledge has only recently been widely recognized as an organizational asset, the effective management of which can afford a firm competitive advantage. This book takes an interdisciplinary approach to knowledge management relating it to...

Neil Gunningham, Richard Johnstone

Regulating Workplace Safety: System and Sanctions (Oxford Socio-Legal Studies)

This book addresses the question: how can law influence the internal self-regulation of organizations in order to make them more responsive to occupational health and safety concerns? It argues for a two track system of regulation under which...

Lilly Walters

What to Say When… You're Dying on the Platform: A Complete Resource for Speakers, Trainers, and Executives

A heckler is in the audience; the overhead projector breaks; the allotted speech time runs out - these are just some of the panic-producing crises, interruptions, or distractions easily dealt with in this first-aid guide for business speakers. Here,...

C. B. Motsett

If It Wasn't For the People...This Job Would Be Fun: Coaching for Buy-In and Results

Believe it or not, you can gain the cooperation of employees and co-workers using five simple steps. If It Wasn't For the People...This Job Would Be Fun provides executives, managers, and supervisors with the techniques needed to ensure that...

Greville Janner, Michael Martin

Janner's Complete Speechmaker

Considered the bible of speechmaking, this updated reference is designed to keep speakers upright, articulate, and successful by showing them how to think on their feet....

<<<  Ганс Фриснер. Проигранные сражения             James Taylor. Managing Information Technology Projects: Applying ... >>>

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Работа Александр Карпов, Олег Степченко. Мужской сезон. Бархатная революция Знакомства Яндекс С. А. Нижников. Обществознание Программы MORNING DE. ROBERT PL. Исполнитель: MORNING DE Альбом: ROBERT PL Производитель: Е. В. Экзерцева. Кроссворды для школьников. География Ливе Свеча "Полено". Диаметр 4,5 см. Свеча выполнена в виде полена дерева. Особенность Поиск работы Народ.ру Kashamba Williams. Driven Рембрандт. Портрет 1669. Франс Стеллинг GABRIELLE. WHEN A WOMAN. Исполнитель: GABRIELLE Альбом: ЖЖ МТС Яхо Рюкзак Ferrino "T-RUN 30", 30 л. Рюкзак, предназначенный специально для
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