Labour in Southeast Asia: Local Processes in a Globalised World (Changing Labour Relations in Asia)

Book DescriptionBrings together current research on labor in Southeast Asia, offering theoretical insights and detailed empirical case-studies drawn from a variety of contexts....

Ruth Kagia

A New Development Agenda: The transformation of the World Bank Under James D. Wolfensohn, 1995-2005

"Balancing the Development Agenda examines the evolution of the World Bank and its operations during the presidency of James Wolfensohn. It examines the modernization of this global economic institution which is now focused on home-grown development...

Matthew Hinton

Introducing Information Management: The business approach

Book DescriptionThis book provides a clear and concise overview of Information Management covering the key aspects of infrastructure, design, information assets and managing information. * Part 1 explores the diversity and changing nature of...

David Mann

Creating a Lean Culutre: Tools to Sustain Lean Conversions

Book DescriptionLean production has been proven unbeatable in organizing production operations, yet the majority of attempts to implement lean end in disappointing results. The critical factor so often overlooked is that lean implementation requires...

Kerry Segrave

Endorsements in Advertising: A Social History

Book DescriptionThe use of endorsements and testimonials to sell anything imaginable is a modern development, though the technique is centuries old. Before World War I, endorsement ads were tied to patent medicine, and were left with a bad...

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