Michelle LeBaron

Bridging Cultural Conflicts : A New Approach for a Changing World

Book Description"This much needed book . . .is a creative, helpful, and hopeful contribution at a time when we are especially challenged to bridge cultures in the pursuit of mutual understanding and peace." — Jimmy Carter, Nobel Peace...

Kathy M. Newman

Radio Active : Advertising and Consumer Activism, 1935-1947

Book Description Radio Active tells the story of how radio listeners at the American mid-century were active in their listening practices. While cultural historians have seen this period as one of failed reform--focusing on the failure of...

Дэвид Герберт Лоуренс

Собрание сочинений в 7 томах. Том 2. Сыновья и любовники

Произведения выдающегося английского писателя Д.Г.Лоуренса - романы, повести, путевые очерки и эссе - составляют неотъемлемую часть литературы XX века. В настоящее собрание сочинений включены как всемирно известные романы, так и издающиеся впервые...

Llorenc Bonet

Antoni Gaudi/Salvador Dali : Duets

Book Description Antoni GaudI/Salvador DalI, the premiere book in the Duets series, brings together the work of these two artistic geniuses in order to present a rich comparative study. Essentially three volumes in one, a section on...

Storm Constantine

The Way of Light (The Chronicles of Magravandias, Book 3)

The Third Book of The Magravandias Chronicles The sudden death of the Emperor Leonid has plunged the empire of Magravandias into chaos. To preserve order, Valraven Palindrake, Dragon Lord of Caradore, reluctantly pledges his support to...

<<<  Русская советская поэзия. Настоящее издание, являющееся поэтической ...             James Taylor. Managing Information Technology Projects: Applying ... >>>

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Яхо Kimarie Richardson. Fantasy Portrait Photography: Creative Techniques Почта Ливе Рамблер С. Л. Попов. BIOS и оптимизация работы ПК Dan Smith, Ane Braein. Penguin State of the World Atlas, Лист Русская красавица. Евгений Сидихин ("Антикиллер"), Игорь Костолевский Работа Entrepreneur Press. How to Start a Business in Alabama Все о Линукс J. Gregory Sidak. Foreign Investment in American Telecommunications Русское радио Richard Langhorne. The Coming of Globalization: Its Evolution Three Italian Epistolary Novels: Foscolo, De Meis, М. Беляков, А. Чиртик. Видеосамоучитель Pinnacle Почта Яхо Puma "Flowing Woman". Туалетная вода, 20 мл. Топ PRO MUSICA ANTIQUA. MACHAUT:MESSE DE. Исполнитель: Погода
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