Дик Фрэнсис

Нерв. Горячие деньги

Выясняя обстоятельства загадочного самоубийства своего приятеля, жокей Роберт Финн сталкивается с весьма странной полосой роковых случайностей и совпадений, ломающих карьеры его перспективным коллегам. Финн решает провести частное расследование,...

Clyde P. Stickney, Paul R. Brown, James M. Wahlen

Financial Reporting and Statement Analysis: A Strategic Perspective

The premise of the text is that students learn financial statement analysis most effectively by performing the analysis on actual companies. Students learn to integrate concepts from economics, business strategy, accounting, and other business...

International Business Publications USA

Russia Tax Guide

Basic information on the Russian tax system and regulation. Russian Tax Code....

Stan Herman

Rewiring Organizations for the Networked Economy : Organizing, Managing, and Leading in the Information Age (J-B O-D (Organizational Development))

In Rewiring Organizations for the Networked Economy — a book in The Practicing Organization Development Series — OD expert Stan Herman and a stellar group of contributors have written a definitive resource book for OD...

Laurence Shatkin

Quick Guide to Career Training in Two Years or Less

Readers will quickly find details on 104 training and education programs that can be completed in two years or less. Descriptions also include information on related jobs, earnings, typical courses, essential skills and knowledge needed, and...

<<<  Джон Голсуорси. Джон Голсуорси. Собрание сочинений в восьми томах. Том ...             James Taylor. Managing Information Technology Projects: Applying ... >>>

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Roger Mason. Testosterone Is Your Friend: A Book for Both Men & Адальберт Штифтер. Полевые цветы Ответы Фукидид. История Лист Вакансии Валенитина Леонтьева. Объяснение в любви ДМОЗ Вакансии Чат Фото Эрих Мария Ремарк. Время жить и время умирать Статистика
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