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Elizabeth Castro XML for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide
Web-maven Elizabeth Castro, who has penned Peachpit books on HTML, Perl and CGI, and Netscape, now tackles XML--an indispensable tool for creating personalized, updated content for each visitor on your site. Whether you build Web pages for a living...
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Stephen Robert Goldman Handbook of Computer and Computerized System Validation for the Pharmaceutical Industry (1Stbooks Library (Series).)
Much has been written about "why" to validate. The Handbook of Computer and Computerized System Validation for the Pharmaceutical Industry is an SOP-centric explanation of "how" to validate. Creating a state of sustainable compliance with FDA...
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Canada) Ifip World Computer Congress 2002 Montreal, K. H. Kim, Lisa Kleinjohann, Achim Rettberg, Bernd Kleinjohann Design and Analysis of Distributed Embedded Systems: Ifip 17th World Computer Congress : Tc10 Stream on Distributed and Parllel Embedded Systems (Dipes 2002), August 25-29, 2002, Montreal, Quebec, canada (International Federation for Information Processin
The market is steadily growing for embedded systems which are IT systems that realize a set of specific features for the end user in a given environment. Some examples are control systems in cars, airplanes or houses, information and communication...
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Maurice Wilkes Computing Perspectives
In this insightful collection of essays, Maurice Wilkes shares his unique perspective on the development of computers and the current state of the art. These enlightening essays discuss the foundational ideas behind modern computing and provide...
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Борис Смотров. Живопись
В каталоге представлены репродукции картин Бориса Смотрова (род. В 1946 г.). На русском и английском языках....
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
Домой Газета.ру
Н. А. Лысова, Л. Ф. Чернева. Управление ценами
Виктор Миловидов. Самоучитель английского
Бесплатный хостинг
Сергей Болмат. Близкие люди
Поиск работы
Александр Турбин. Ткань
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