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Robert L. Heneman Strategic Reward Management: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation
The contents of this book center around the management of strategic reward systems. In particular, the book focuses in on the following elements of managing a reward system: design, implementation, and evaluation. It is my belief that too much...
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Michael Barzelay The New Public Management: Improving Research and Policy Dialogue (Wildavsky Forum Series)
How policymakers should guide, manage, and oversee public bureaucracies is a question that lies at the heart of contemporary debates about government and public administration. In their search for better systems of public management, reformers have...
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David Dooley, Joann Prause The Social Costs of Underemployment: Inadequate Employment As Disguised Unemployment
Comparing the effects of unemployment and inadequate employment relative to adequate employment, this text studies their effects on self-esteem, alcohol abuse, depression, and birth weight. Using longitudinal methods, it measures controls for...
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George Von Krogh, Ikujiro Nonaka, Toshihiro Nishiguchi Knowledge Creation: A Source of Value
The creation and management of knowledge has become a central concern to business and management, both as a source of value and as an opportunity to achieve and sustain competitive advantage. This new book brings together leading thinkers in...
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Robert W. Buchanan Disaster Proofing Information Systems : A Complete Methodology for Eliminating Single Points of Failure
Nobody wants to shell out a lot of money for something they'll use once or, with any luck, never. But that's where most corporations find themselves today. Network managers see disaster recovery as outside their jurisdiction, and therefore as a...
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Сергей Охлябинин. Честь мундира. Русская армия от
Мой мир
Иссак Башевис Зингер. День исполнения желаний
Karl Lagerfeld. Karl Lagerfeld: The S.L.ED
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Robert A. Heinlein. Podkayne of Mars (Ace
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