Alexandra Bradley, Denise Dale

At Your Fingertips in the Office: Information Management for the Small Business

A brilliant blueprint for organizing information! Paper and electronic information management, including Internet, for the small business! Solutions to those often paralyzing decisions that can cost you in time and sales: What to keep? Where to...

Maddy Dychtwald

Cycles: How We Will Live, Work, and Buy

We are at the beginning of a new era, a lifestyle revolution that will transform who we are and what we do, as people and as consumers. The predictable linear, chronological life pathways of past generations -- from school, to marriage, to work,...

David Chaddock

Qatar: The Business Traveller's Handbook (Qatar)

Currently poised to become the richest nation in the world based on GNP per capita, Qatar has certainly established itself as a major business destination. Having survived an eventful history, Qatari nationals now enjoy a crime-free and self-assured...

Aaron Bacall

The Lighter Side of Technology in Education

A sense of humor is essential in education! As educators, we often take ourselves a bit too seriously, so veteran educator and illustrator Aaron Bacall offers a little perspective with these lighthearted cartoons. Whether used as overheads for...

Bijoy Bordoloi, Douglas Bock

Oracle SQL

Focusing on standard ANSI SQL with a learn-by-doing approach, this book organizes SQL subtopics into short chapters. Readers first learn the features of a SQL command, then its usage, based on management questions that typically arise in the...

<<<  Economic Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration. Economic Risk in Hydrocarbon ...             Дэниэл Т. Банах, Трэвис Джонс, Алан Дж. Каламейя. Autodesk Inventor (+ CD-ROM) >>>

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Лист Блокнот розовый "MyMy", формат А5. Этот симпатичный блокнот из серии "MyMy Thomas J. Webster. Managerial Economics : Theory and Practice Бесплатный хостинг МСН Программы Футбол Ливе В. И. Михайлов, А. В. Федоров. Таможенные преступления Наказанный народ. Репрессии против российских Н. К. Рерих. Община (аудиокнига МР3) Г. В. Суходольский. Математическая психология Животные и их малыши. Ваш ребенок уже познакомился с миром красок. Теперь, Гого КМ
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