Хрестоматия по истории науки и техники

История науки и техники получает все большее распространение в университетском образовании и, естественно, должна иметь соответствующую инфраструктуру. Ее обязательным, базовым элементом является хрестоматия. В таком объеме хрестоматия по истории...

Controlling Public Expenditure: The Changing Roles of Central Budget Agencies-Better Guardians?

Book DescriptionOne of the most important functions of modern government is to marshal and deploy resources to achieve desired objectives and outcomes. This task is overseen by the Central Budget Agencies (such as Ministries of Finance and...

Sydney Finkelstein

Why Smart Executives Fail: What you can Learn From Their Mistakes

Book Description It?s an all too common scenario: A great company breaks from the pack; the analysts are in love, the smiling CEO appears on the cover of BusinessWeek and Fortune , the stock soars. Two years later, the company...

Negotiation, Decision Making And Conflict Management (Elgar Reference Collection)

Book DescriptionWhile negotiation has long been recognized as an activity that affects world peace it has also become a central aspect of professional life. The last two decades have witnessed the emergence of negotiation and conflict resolution as...

Mark Eppler

Management Mess-Ups: 57 Pitfalls You Can Avoid (And Stories of Those Who Didn't)

Book Description"Although big scandals grab headlines, it is often the little mistakes which managers make that impact a business's bottom line. Eppler does a masterful job identifying common pitfalls, while providing solid advice on how to avoid...

<<<  Анна Малышева. Приведения являются в полдень             Дэниэл Т. Банах, Трэвис Джонс, Алан Дж. Каламейя. Autodesk Inventor (+ CD-ROM) >>>

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