Alex Cukierman

Central Bank Strategy, Credibility, and Independence: Theory and Evidence

Alex Cukierman is well known for his work on central bank behavior. This book brings together a large body of Cukierman's research and integrates it with recent developments in the political economy of monetary policy. Filled with applications and...

Chandrika Kaul, Valerie Tomaselli-Moschovitis

Statistical Handbook on Consumption and Wealth in the United States: (Oryx Statistical Handbooks)

Analyzing the Gross National Product (GNP) and other national economic statistics is one way to look at the financial well being of a country. Another more revealing and more interesting way is to analyze the variety and amount of goods and services...

Bernd Sssmuth, Bernd Sussmuth, Bernd Sussmuth

Business Cycles in the Contemporary World

The book provides a thorough and sophisticated descriptive analysis of business cycles in a historical perspective. The study is based on the latest available time series as well as latest techniques from the frequency domain. A combined univariate...

Sharon Tate, Mona Shafer Edwards

The Complete Book of Fashion Illustration, Third Edition

Designed to help novice sketchers learn the basics ? and sketchers with intermediate skills learn to improve and refine their drawings. Offers comprehensive coverage of all aspects of fashion illustration and drawing ?...

Des Dearlove, Stuart Crainer, Stephen Coomber

The Career Adventurer's Fieldbook: Your Guide to Career Success

Work has changed. Employment has changed. Careers have changed. · On average most people have been with their current employer for just 3.5 years. · Between the ages of 18 and 32, the average worker has 8.6...

<<<  Н. О. Крамаренко. Нетрадиционные уроки по русскому языку. 5 - 6 классы             Дэниэл Т. Банах, Трэвис Джонс, Алан Дж. Каламейя. Autodesk Inventor (+ CD-ROM) >>>

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