Esmond Pitt

Fundamental Networking in Java

Book DescriptionThe book provides complete coverage of fundamental IP networking in Java. It introduces the concepts behind TCP/IP and UDP and their intended use and purpose; gives complete coverage of Java networking APIs, includes an extended...

Alexander Kask

Kanji Cards Volume 2

Book DescriptionThe 448 kanji in this set are those prescribed by the Japanese Ministry of Education for the first three grades of school. Tuttle Flash Cards is a comprehensive series of flash cards designed to help travelers and beginning learners...

Buck Rainey

Serial Film Stars: A Biographical Dictionary, 1912-1956

Book DescriptionPearl White, William Duncan, William Desmond, Ben Wilson, Walter Miller, Francis Ford, Charles Hutchinson, Jack Dougherty, and Eddie Polo are just a few of the stars to start up a whirlwind of enthusiasm among serial devotees. They...

Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis: A Clinician's Guide

Book DescriptionThis book is intended for physicians of all specialties who see patients that have or may be at risk of developing osteoporosis....

Марк Карвардин

Удивительная природа

Быстрее, выше, сильнее! Под этим девизом человеком были установлены многие уникальные рекорды в самых разных областях. Но рекордсмены, оказывается, есть не только среди людей - немало удивительных достижений и в мире природы; среди птиц, рыб,...

<<<  Генрих Белль. Итог (аудиокнига на 2 CD)             Виктор Пронин. Падай, ты убит >>>

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