Terence F. Moore, Earl A. Simendinger

Hospital Turnarounds: Lessons in Leadership

A five-stage typology is presented to minimize the trauma and maximize the potential for the survival and improvement of hospitals....

Aidan Ward, John Smith

Trust and Mistrust : Radical Risk Strategies in Business Relationships

If we trust someone we put ourselves at risk, but we do so voluntarily. In business there may be no way of clinching that deal without engaging in that personal risk, but to deny or externalise that risk is to enter the world of blame and misuse of...

John Reilly

Language of Real Estate, 5E

From abandonment to zoning, and over 2,800 terms in between, The Language of Real Estate has every term that real estate professionals need. this industry best seller is a must have for all students, practitioners, and educators. ...

Clayton Charles Marlow

Matt W. Ransom, Confederate General from North Carolina

On May 8, 1861, Matt Ransom resigned from the North Carolina House of Commons and accepted a commission as a Confederate officer. Like many North Carolinians, Ransom had been reluctant to see his state leave the Union; though he owned slaves at the...

Mark, Dr Archibald, Dr. Mark Archibald

Design for Manufacturing with Pro/MANUFACTURING (Release 2001)

The primary objective of this book is to teach students to use Pro/MANUFACTURING software for molding, casting, and NC machining. The secondary objective is to provide examples that illustrate typical processes applicable to Pro/MANUFACTURING....

<<<  Emma Murphy. Economic and Political Change in Tunisia: From Bourguiba ...             Виктор Пронин. Падай, ты убит >>>

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