Yongzheng Yang, Weiming Tian

China's Agriculture at the Crossroads

After twenty years of rapid economic growth, China is facing a critical decision on its agricultural policy. It can either continue to pursue a food self-sufficiency policy or further integrate its economy into the world market. This book...

Joseph P. Quinlan, Kathryn L. Stevens

101 Trends Every Investor Should Know about the Global Economy

The end of the Cold War, Europe's single currency, Asia's financial crisis, the rise of China, new global trade agreements, massive daily flows of capital-all of these variables and more signal an unprecedented pace of change in the global economy....

John S Oakland

Total Organizational Excellence: Achieving World Class Performance

Total Organizational Excellence: Achieving world-class performance sets down an implementation framework to guide managers on how to improve business performance in all types of organization. Drawing on extensive research and case...

L. Sunny Hansen

Integrative Life Planning : Critical Tasks for Career Development and Changing Life Patterns

A landmark book that offers a holistic counseling approach that joins career planning and the life path of an individual. The author details the concept of integrative life planning (ILP), an ideal approach for dealing with changes in work, family,...

Jean Stine

Double Your Brain Power: Increase Your Memory by Using All Your Brain All the Time

As the world around us gets faster, it becomes harder and harder to keep up. The increasing demands of school, career and personal life all require that we achieve more every single day. Through the scientifically proven methods provided here,...

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