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Стивен Фрост Настольная книга банковского аналитика. Деньги,риск и профессиональные приемы
В сфере финансовых услуг можно встретить работников, имеющих весьма поверхностное представление о том, чем занимаются их коллеги. Первая причина заключается в узкой специализации профессионалов банковского дела, а вторая - в употреблении...
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Ruth King Ugly Truth About Small Business, The
Book Description"Being an entrepreneur is scary. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, more than 50 percent of small businesses fail in the first year and 95 percent fail within the first five years. And often, the future of the...
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Constantin Boym Constantin Boym - America
Book DescriptionAmerica gibt uns die Sicht des russischen Immigranten Constantin Boym auf seine neue Heimat: Amerika, sein Lebensstil und seine Landschaften bedeuten fur den Designer und Kunstler eine unerschopfliche...
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James P. Gannon A Life in Print: Selections from the work of a reporter, columnist and editor
Veteran journalist James P. Gannon brings together his finest work from a 40-year career as writer and editor in A Life in Print, a collection of essays and columns that reads like a personal diary of a remarkable autobiographical journey. ...
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Bart Farkas Call of Duty(TM) : Finest Hour Official Strategy Guide
Book Description BradyGames' Call of Duty: Finest Hour Official Strategy Guide includes the following: Mission Strategy: We lead you through all 19 missions, all three campaigns-Russia, Britain, and United States! Maps for...
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Л. Каченаускайте. Аппликация
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